I have about 80 birds left.
Going fast.
$25 each, I no longer have several of any 1 breed just 1-3 of this and that: 1 Dominique roo, 1 Rhode Island Red hen, 2 barred rock, 3 blue Australorp, 3 black Australorp, 1 buff Orpington, 4 speckled Sussex, sex links, white leghorn, brown leghorn, amauracana, various color layer (blue, green, olive) 3 or 4 Bielefelder….
just to name a few.
Only keeping 12 to 18 for myself.
No longer raising to sell.
These are it.
Young, quality birds for a great egg laying flock.
I do have a flock of 1bAmerican bresse roo and 7 hens … these are the best tasting meat birds and they are great layers.
I consider them a must for sustainability, also hard to find….
This breeder flock of 8 $200, was $240.
Also a breeder flock of buff Brahma, 1 roo and 5 hens … $140
Please don’t try bargaining with me.
I’ve reduced my price and will only give extra discount on 10 or more.
These are young, quality birds.
Please be respectful of my work and care of these quality birds.
Text is best