heartlandhatchery,net will be doing 5 chickdays in ar area fri april 19 and sat apr 20
fri morning we will be in mena ar at farmers coop from 8-10 am
fri afternoon apr 19 we will be in howe ok at rons lumber and supply from 12 noon -2pm
sat morning early we will be in clarksville ar at ar farmers coop from 730 am -930 am
sat late morning apr 20 we will be in van buren ar at farmers coop from 11 am -1pm
sat afternoon apr 20 we will be in gravette ar at cando hardware from 3-430pm
we will have all kinds of chicks including our new 2nd generation olive eggers also zombies and red phoenix, and asst colors f frizzle bantys cochins plus silkies, brahmas, sussex, lavendar orpigtons, blue laced red wyandotts, olive eggers blk copper morans, blk giants , salmon faveroles, crested plish, cream legbarrs, sapphire gems, seabrights old english bantys also mille fluers and porcelins, americana bantys and standard americanas, welsummers plus all kinds of layer pullet breeds rare breed ducks standard breeds ducks goslings and heritage turkeys
we are cash only and please bring a box we will only be at loactions durings hrs and times advertised info call lan at or text hrs 8 am -8pm at six six zero four two four zero four zero eight
please share this post with your friends if u are looking for baby poultry and a great var to choose from come to one of our chickdays no need to pre order there will at least 2000 chicks to choose from
prices and list info on my website at www.